Further Resources

Mental Health Forum: Awareness

Strategies for a Mentally Healthy Workplace

Developing a Mentally Healthy Workplace: A Review of the Literature: developing-a-mentally-healthy-workplace_final-november-2014

Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace: A Guide for Leaders: creating-a-mentally-healthy-workplace

Presentation Slides


Awareness of Mental Health in the Workplace: Awareness Presentation Slides

Strategies for a Mentally Healthy Workplace: Strategy Presentation Slides

Dealing with Stress

To watch a more detailed presentation about stress, it’s affects and positive psychology techniques to reduce stress and improve your wellbeing, follow the link or watch below. https://youtu.be/O0yc7lEgfUA



It was a pleasure to present at the conference.  I look forward to connecting with you at another time.


Natasha Wilks