This is the 4th post in the Values Series: Value Your Expertise

In the previous post, you learned the 2 common mistakes that veterinarians make and how to recognise your value.

I recorded this video this morning as I want mums to know that they are not worth less or should be accepting reduced compensation because they have a family.

Veterinary practices are crying out for good Veterinarians. Make motherhood & your career work for you.

Determine what you can offer, your capacity, your availability, the value you provide to the practice and then negotiate.

Don’t accept a less than ideal position or poor renumeration because you’ve been lead to believe you are worth less.

You aren’t!

Turn up on time, work hard, communicate well, write great notes, build great relationships with clients, charge appropriately & work well with the team.

That’s what practices are looking for!

I am paid very well for the 1.5 days/week that I work in practice.
You can be too.

You first have to believe that you are worth it.

To recognise the value that you provide to your veterinary practice and clients, join the Income Accelerator Program.

You will gain confidence, improve your communication skills and build stronger relationships with clients. You will learn how you renumeration is determined and how to negotiate a salary increase.

Registration closes June 28th.

I’d love to see you in the program. It will change your life.

In the last post of the Value Series, I will help you translate the value you provide into how it benefits the veterinary practice.

