Key to SuccessI know this sounds like a broken record, but where has the time gone???  It feels like the last time I blinked it was Christmas!

My daughter started Kindergarten this year and finally after 6 years of being a mum, vet and coach, I have time to myself.  I must admit even though I was counting down to when I would have child free days and have more time to focus on my business & coaching, I was a little bit lost on her first day of school!

We’ve all settled in now.

So, it’s Valentines day and mid February already..

Happy Valentines day!  

A day to celebrate our love not just for our partners but also the significant people in our lives.  Our children, our families, our friends and of course, our pets.

Have you set goals for this year?  

I remember in my early years December would come around and I would feel like I had just repeated the year before.  Same old, same old…

Now when I look back on the last few years, I can see how far I’ve come.

When I’m in the deep of it and feel like I’m going nowhere, I remember that every step, even baby steps, are moving me forward.  As long as I keep going and never give up, no matter how hard it is, I will get there.

Without setting goals, an action plan & doing the work, I wouldn’t be where I am though.

Goal setting doesn’t have to be an elaborate 10 page document.  It’s what works for you.  I used to set SMART goals but currently I like succinct goals and I know what I have to do to achieve them.  It’s what works best for you.

I work in threes.  3 goals.  I do have more but I focus on the 3 main ones every day.

As I achieve them, I tick them off, celebrate the achievement and choose the next 3 goals that will move me forward.

I have just started an accountability group as part of a program I am doing.  We have to connect every day for the next 3 weeks!  I choose to be held accountable for 3 things I want to achieve every day.  I have to report every night what I achieved and the 3 things I want to achieve tomorrow.   Being held accountable to my group is making me do the work!

Why have I chosen this?  There are so many distractions & time stealers (e.g. Facebook and email!) and three weeks is easy. It’s only 21 days.  21 days to form a habit!  The habit of focus, commitment and persistence.

What 3 big goals do you have for this year?  I have 3 massive ones!

Consider the areas of health, wealth, finances, career, spiritual, relationships, recreation.

If it’s a large goal, break it down into mini goals.

What’s the first step you need to take to achieve the first part of your goal?

What’s the next step and the next step…..

Write them down.

Commit to a time frame to complete each action step.  Trust me, time goes very quickly and if you don’t make the time, suddenly 2013 has ended.

You may want to start small to create a pattern of success.

Look at your goals daily.

If you aren’t sure, lack clarity on your direction or what you want to achieve this year, connect we me and book a 15 minute complimentary strategy session with me.

I have also opened the doors for my next intake of coaching clients.  You can read about what it involves and the outcomes you can achieve HERE.


P.S.  I just completed 1 of the tasks I set for the day!

