In her TED talk, Amanda Palmer, a musician and artist, discusses how she connected with her audience and fans involving them in her journey.  Watch this video and consider how you can do the same with your clients.

Clients want to be involved.  They are yearning to be part of a community of caring.

I have seen tough men crumble at the sight of an ill animal.  Animals are a universal connector.

We may have lost the feelings of magic in what we do but to clients it is still incredible and awe inspiring.

Be passionate about what you do

Be excited by what you do

We get the best of all worlds

  • we consult
  • we do surgery and some rather exciting ones at that!
  • we repair animals
  • we save lives
  • we assist in bringing life into the world
  • we stop pain and discomfort
  • we end suffering

Share these experiences with your clients

  • take photos and share on your facebook page
  • record short videos to show clients
  • make short instructional videos

 Watch Amanda and ask yourself:

How can I engage and connect with my clients so they participate in the journey of healthcare for their animals?

Create relationships with your clients.  It makes what we do so much more enjoyable and satisfying.

If you are not sure how or what to do, watch how these veterinarians interact with pet owners:

How do I know this works?  Every time I post an image of a patient on Facebook we receive more likes than an educational post.

An engaged & emotionally satisfied client is more likely to follow your recommendations & advice as well as refer new clients to you.


P.S.  Do you struggle to understand clients and what they want and expect?  Or find clients frustrating?  Enter your details here and I will notify you when the course is released.  I will discuss veterinary client communication as well as understanding clients, their fears and frustrations as well as what they want and expect.  Once you understand this, it will make interacting with clients significantly easier and much more enjoyable!
