I’ve been asked to present at the East Coast Roadshow on the 10th March at Hamilton Island.

I’ll be speaking about Your Brilliant Career: The Highs, The Lows and Everything in Between.

I’ll be discussing what you define as your brilliant career, Ikigai and PERMA.

Comparison is the thief of joy.  How often do you see what your colleagues are doing in practice or on social media and fell ‘less than’?

You should be further along, have better skills, more complicated cases, etc, etc

When was the last time you sat down and considered what do I want from my career?  What is achievement for ME? How do I want my career to integrate with my life outside of practice?

I normally find when I coach veterinarians and we start here, the answer is different to the work they are currently doing. There may be a few small tweaks or major changes.

Knowing what brings your joy, what engages you in practice and living a life and career of meaning and purpose leads to long term satisfaction and fulfilment.

That’s my aim for the veterinary profession.  To have vets living lives of joy and fulfilment. To flourish, personally and professionally.  We can do it.  It just takes time and effort.

I look forward to seeing you at the conference.



