I am passionate about positive psychology!

Positive psychology is the science of optimal human potential and flourishing.

For so long psychology was focussed on what was wrong about people rather than what is right.

I been reading Martin Seligman’s books for years.  I purchased his most recent book, Flourish, and it immediately resonated with me.

In the book he writes

‘that the topic of positive psychology is well-being, that the gold standard for measuring well-being is flourishing, and that the goal of positive psychology is to increase flourishing.’

There are 5 elements of well-being = PERMA

  1. Positive Emotions – what you think and feel
  2. Engagement – being in a state of flow
  3. Relationships – positive connections and support with and from others
  4. Meaning – belonging to and serving something bigger than yourself
  5. Accomplishment – achievement, success, mastery

Your strengths underpin the five elements.

To flourish, you need to be experiencing the five elements above on a very consistent basis.  In my presentation at the AVAPM conference this year, I discussed well-being theory and how it applies in practice.  I could also see a difference between how new and recent graduates and experienced veterinarians would be experiencing the five elements.

Personally when reading the book, I understood why I wasn’t flourishing in practice in the various stages of my career.  From the beginning when I was overwhelmed to later when I wasn’t being challenging enough and felt bored.

What was more revealing was how little I had created a life for myself outside of my career.  I think this is one of the most important points!

You should aim to experience the five elements consistently in your personal and your professional life.  My professional life was my life and it wasn’t a very balanced one.  So when I was going through challenges, my happiness was affected.

I didn’t realise the impact of this until my coach training when I recognised my whole identity was tied to what I did, rather than recognising my individual talents, strengths and potential.

This is why I am passionate about coaching and positive psychology.  I want to show you and teach you how to improve your well-being, how to flourish in your career and in your life.


P.S.  There are so many other fantastic authors in positive psychology!  As well as reading Martin Seligman’s book, I advise reading Shawn Achor’s, The Happiness Advantage.  It is a great book as well!

