Doubt, fear of failure, lack of confidence… I suffered from all of this.

Veterinary CoachingWhen I graduated, I was so uncertain and lacked confidence, I would talk to the pets rather than the owners.  With persistence, continued learning and improving my professional and interpersonal skills, I no longer communicate and present myself that way.

Self confidence is a skill.  Being a skill means it can be trained.  You can develop this skill!

In the TEDx Talk below, Dr. Ivan Joseph defines self confidence as the ability to believe in yourself to accomplish any task, no matter the odds, the difficulty or the adversity.

Your thoughts influence your actions.

What does your self talk sound like?  Negative or positive?

A whole new world opened for me when I started my coach training in 2006.  I realised I was carrying around a lot of disempowering beliefs.  What I was thinking and telling myself wasn’t helping me.  I spent too long focussing on what I couldn’t do and why I wasn’t enough rather than why I was enough, what I had done and could do.

I see and hear the same thing when I am chatting to other veterinarians.   It doesn’t have to be this way!

Our primitive brain puts more emphasis on the negative to keep us safe and alive.  To overcome this you must train yourself to focus on the positive, to recognise your achievements and successes.  You must also become aware of your self talk and the underlying beliefs that lead to this self talk.

No one will believe in you unless you do

Watch Dr. Ivan Joseph’s talk on self confidence below:

A common question I am asked is what is coaching?

People think it’s for people who need fixing or who have something wrong with them.  That isn’t the case.  I’m not a mechanic.

Coaching is like gardening.  I work with people to help them determine what they want from their career and life.  I help them find clarity and get unstuck.  I help them grow and flourish to reach their full potential.  I listen for negative self talk and the underlying beliefs that limit your growth.

How would it feel to have someone that 100% believed in you and could see what you can achieve, especially when you can’t see it yourself?

The best athletes all have coaches and I believe every professional should have one as well.  The corporate world has been investing in coaching for their executives for years.

You made a significant financial and time investment to graduate as a veterinarian.  Let’s ensure you get the best return on that investment.


For more information about coaching, click here
