I was reading posts in a private Veterinary Facebook group.

I read the following comment: 

‘We don’t value ourselves more because when we fail or don’t get it perfect or know we are not perfect or we know or our shortcomings, we feel worthless…’ 

I found the comment concerning and this is my reply:

That is unresourceful thinking and anyone who thinks that way, needs to change their beliefs and thinking patterns ASAP.  I used to think that way because I globalised events and catastrophised them into ‘the pet will die if I make a mistake’.  A lot of pressure to put yourself under!!

I don’t do this now as I have identified the thinking patterns that created those thoughts and I now have implemented strategies for more resourceful beliefs.

Thinking you are ‘worthless’ will seep into your whole life.   Employment opportunities that won’t be applied for as you think you’re not good enough.  Not negotiating salary increases as you believe you are not good enough + more.

It is a huge issue for high achievers (veterinarians) who have never made a mistake or failed as they are less likely to take a chance or a risk unless they are certain they will do well. This doesn’t translate well into veterinary practice either. 

Any successful business person/entrepreneur will tell you their success was built on mistakes and failures.

Instead of letting it become part of their identity as a ‘failure’ they see it as a task that didn’t work.  They get back up, dust themselves off, consider how they could have done it differently and start again.

It’s not failure, it’s feedback!

Anyone who has children needs to ensure you aren’t passing these same unresourceful beliefs down to your kids.  e.g. You have to do it right the first time. Don’t make mistakes. It must be perfect. I’m not good enough. I’m not worth it.   Your children model what you do and what you say.  They see and hear everything and will believe that this is way they should behave.

In this profession, we need to increase our self awareness and identify our unresourceful beliefs and thoughts.  We need to focus on increasing our resilience to cope with the many challenges that are present in practice.

If anyone wants help with this, please consider coaching. I am also in the process of finishing a Certification in Social & Emotional Intelligence which I believe will tremendously help every veterinarian especially new & recent graduates.  See the Coaching page for more information.

