The ugly side of becoming a surgeon by Mind Body Miko

There is so much I want to say about this article. I was disgusted reading it. I hope this isn’t indicative of most hospitals in Australia. 

While reading this article I could see what was coming. 
Chronic, unrelieved stress + severe sleep deprivation + poor nutrition and not allowing time for the body to rest & recover leads to a downward spiral of physical & mental health. It has so many negative affects on your brain & body. 

There are 3 stages of burnout & most high achievers ignore the first stage. 

Most push through & the culture demands it. You’re weak, soft & not committed if you ask for reduced hours, a break or time off, let alone a lunch break!

Your body will tell you over & over that it’s drained. Most have stopped listening to their body years ago. 

Stage 3 is a full physical, mental & emotional breakdown involving a hospital stay. It’s the body’s only way of getting you to stop. Most never fully recover from this. 

I’m passionate about wellbeing & resilience. I totally disagree when a lack of resilience is used as a reason that people aren’t coping when it’s really a toxic, high demand, low support environment. 

We panic if our phone battery is less than 20% yet it becomes a badge of honour to run on empty and push yourself to the limits. 

I think most people never restore & rejuvenate to 100%. 

You have 1 life. Don’t let your pursuit of your career ruin it. If your current environment demands it, I would rethink that position. 

No career is worth your life. 

You have 40 years in your career. You have time to achieve what you want. Aim for sustainable achievement & success. Don’t burn brightly & burn out.

Read the article here

Dr Natasha Wilks
